About Moondance
What is the Moondance Foundation?
The Moondance Foundation is a family charitable foundation, set up by Diane and Henry Engelhardt to further their family’s philanthropy and giving.
The Moondance Foundation is a registered charity (Registered Charity No: 1139224) and a registered company limited by guarantee (Company no: 07448773).
Where does Moondance’s money come from?
Diane and Henry set up the Moondance Foundation in 2010. Henry at the time was CEO of Admiral plc. In 2004 Admiral floated on the London Stock Exchange and Diane and Henry were majority shareholders in Admiral. With some of the funds they received from the sale of Admiral, they have been able to finance and support the Foundation, ever since.
How does Moondance decide how much money to give away each year?
Moondance, does not have a set amount to give away each, year, but aims to give away at least £12 million.
Since Moondance was set up in 2010, we have given away over £72 million.
Who are the Trustees?
The Trustees are the Engelhardt family, Diane, Henry and their four children; Damien, Adrian, Shanna and Tara. Louisa Scadden is also a Trustee and along with Diane and Henry she has been with the Foundation since 2010.
Rebecca Watkins is our Foundation Director, who deals with all day to day running of Moondance.
How often do the Trustees meet?
The Trustees meet formally three times a year. As we are a small number of Trustees, we have regular contact through the year.
Why call the Foundation, Moondance?
Moondance, is Diane and Henry’s song and the image of dancing in the moonlight, is one of joy.